You enjoy a delicious meal packed with garlic and onion, only to find yourself worrying about the strong, lingering smell on your breath. Well, we’ve all been there! Yes, those aromatics are flavorful and savory but it's another story that you try really try hard to make sure no one notices the unmistakable odor.
As these odors sneak up on you and put you in an awkward place, you might be seeking for remedies that can neutralize the stubborn smell. If that's the case, you are in the right place. Here, we have mentioned several effective tips to save you from further embarrassment.
1. Savor Unsweetened Yogurt
If only we knew before hand that a simple kitchen ingredient like yogurt could save us, we would have avoided so many embarrassing situations, right? Yogurt with live active cultures contains probiotics that can help balance the bacteria in your mouth.
However, make sure to look for sugar-free varieties to avoid feeding bad bacteria.
2. Eat Crunchy Produce
When you eat fresh apples, carrots, or any other fresh produce, their sweetness helps remove the stench. In fact, their crunchy texture further helps scrub your teeth while you eat. Which as a result removes food particles and plaque.
Additionally, they contain natural fibers that stimulate saliva production, which is essential for neutralizing odors. Therefore, if you ever find yourself munching garlic bread for lunch, make sure you pair it with fruits or salad.
3. Drink Green Tea
As green tea contains anti bacterial properties, which helps to reduce bacterial growth in your mouth and thus you will have a fresh breathe.
Drinking green tea after food helps to keep your weight in check and also gives you sweet breath. It is like hitting two targets with a single arrow.
4. Drink Acidic Beverages
Are you wondering how to get rid of garlic breath fast? The answer is really simple and tangy! Acidic fruits can help break down odor-causing compounds. It also hydrates you and refreshes your mouth in the process.
Thus, the next time when you’re stuck in a conversation, hoping no one notices the unmistakable odor of onion and garlic, just gulp a glass of tangy water, be it with lemon, lime or grapefruit.
5. Stay Away from Alcohol and Caffeine
When your mouth is dry, there’s less saliva to wash away food particles and bacteria. And when you consume caffeine or alcohol it can lead to dry mouth, which exacerbates bad breath.
Try limiting these substances can help maintain moisture in your mouth.
6. Chew Some Herbs
Herbs like parsley, mint, and cilantro are natural breath fresheners. And, if you are in a party and asking yourself how to get rid of garlic breath instantly, try chewing these herbs.
While chewing them might not be easy for everyone, but hey, you have to do what you have to do!
7. Use Essential Oils
We know that working with essential oils is not easy but when you are in a hurry, these oils can be your savior. Certain essential oils, like peppermint or tea tree oil, have antibacterial properties, so you can add a drop of it to your mouthwash.
But if you don't have a handy mouthwash bottle, you can also dilute the oil in water and use it as a rinse. Just be cautious and ensure it is food grade.
8. Hydration is the Key
When you're dehydrated, your mouth produces less saliva which we all have probably experienced at least one. And the irony of the situation is that, the bad bacteria thrives in this condition and worsen bad breath.
Hence, if you are seeking answers for how to get rid of onion breath, the answer is hydration. Drinking enough fluid is one of the easiest and most effective ways to combat stinky smell, especially after a lovely meal jam packed with garlic and onion.
9. Rinse with Mouthwash
Chlorine dioxide is a compound that targets sulfur that is often responsible for unpleasant odors. Rinsing your mouth with wash containing the compund can effectively neutralize bad breath.
For this reason, it is best to carry a small bottle or a spray of these mouthwashes to save yourself from these unpleasant odors.
10. Chew Menthol Gums
Chewing gums post meal is one of the most effective tip that answers how to get rid of garlic onion breath in a minute. Sugar-free gums, especially spearmint gum stimulates saliva production and provide a refreshing burst of flavor.
Want to know how? The minty taste helps mask bad breath, meanwhile the chewing action cleans your teeth and gums.
11. Brush and Floss After Meal
Brushing and flossing are the ultimate weapon when it comes to combat the foul odor. This fact is known and appreciated globally.
Hence, try brushing and flossing after meal to remove plaque buildup and food particles. This action not only reduces the odor but also keeps you refreshed.
12. Use a Tongue Scraper
As we all know that the surface of your tongue can harbor bacteria and food particles that contribute to smelly breath. So, it would best to use a scraper to remove these buildup and ensure a cleaner mouth and fresher breath.
This tool is simple but can be a game-changer. Thus, scraping your tongue is how do you get rid of garlic breath post meal.
Prevention Tips for Garlic and Onion Breath
Okay, here are some tips that might be of great help in preventing garlic breath in emergency situations-
• Alternative Ingredients
To avoid the stinky breath situation, explore milder alternatives or substitutes, such as green onions or shallots, which may offer a less pungent flavor.
• Serving Size
Be mindful of the quantity, especially if you have somewhere to go or meet people post meal. Using smaller amounts can still add flavor without overwhelming your palate or breath.
• Pairing Foods
When you plan your meal, side dishes play a significant role because they determine your gut health and the funky, smelly aftermath. So, when you plan to consume garlic and onion make sure you consume it along with Yogurt and fresh herbs.
You can also choose foods known for their breath-freshening properties, such as parsley or mint, to counteract strong odors.
• Dietary Considerations
Remind yourself to consider how frequently and when to eat garlic and onion. If you have an important event or social gathering, it might be wise to limit their consumption beforehand.
• Oral Hygiene Kit is a Savior
Always esure you have access to handy dental hygiene products like floss, brush or a little mouthwash bottle that fits right on your handbag for emergency situation like this one. Better be safe than sorry, right?
• Meal Timing
One of the best prevention methods is scheduling your meal. So, plan to eat these aromatics when you can manage the aftermath, such as when you won't be in close proximity to others immediately afterward.
What Causes Ginger and Garlic Breathe?
Be it garlic or onion, both of them gives a strong smell which lingers in your mouth for hours. This foul breath primarily comes from sulfur compounds in these foods.
When you chew garlic or onions, enzymes in your mouth and stomach break them down. It then releases these sulfur-containing compounds in the process. The key culprit, here is allyl methyl sulfide (AMS), a sulfur compound that doesn’t metabolize quickly and enters your bloodstream.
Once there, AMS travels to your lungs, and when you exhale, the smell is released — lasting for hours, even after brushing your teeth.
Additionally, garlic and onions can affect your digestive tract, producing odors that come up from your stomach. They even seep into your sweat, making their odor linger longer than most other foods.
Garlic breath may linger, but it doesn’t last forever. If you’re concerned about it, plan ahead—like skipping that onion bagel before a job interview.
You can also try different home remedies to find what works best for you, and keep that go-to solution on hand for future use.